An identity manager to automate and secure your online access.

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Automatic account creation/deletion

Bravas - icon web browser

Login without password

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Securing your data, your users and their identities

Bravas - icon web browser

Anti-phishing technology

Increase productivity and safety with IDP Bravas

Simplified on/off boardings, online access management, restricted access on personal devices, password-free login... These are just some of the use cases you can cover with IDP Bravas.

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Accounts & Access

Automate your on/off-boardings

Accesses and accounts are created according to groups defined in Bravas.
All online accounts will be created using our SCIM API, and will be able to connect using our SAML and OpenIDConnect implementation (coming soon).


A truly passwordless IdP

Bravas has been designed to work without passwords.
A true "Identity Provider Passwordless" based on "WebAuthn", "Passkey" and "FIDO2" to connect you to your online services.

Stay in control

Manage access

Don't want your employees to connect to your applications on their personal devices?
Our IDP Bravas makes it possible. Would you like to revoke all of an employee's access rights?
Bravas makes it possible.


Our IdP is phishingproof.

Our Passwordless IdP enhances your security by eliminating the risk of phishing on your associated accounts, thanks to integrated 2FA. 

What Bravas brings you

Save time, focus on what really matters

Simplified remote work

The ability to manage your computer fleet and data remotely to simplify employee mobility. No need to physically handle the devices, Bravas allows remote control.

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Optimal security

You can be sure that no one, be it an unauthorized employee or a malicious person, can access your data. Your security rules are applied and access to your sensitive information is secured.

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Real time inventory

No more need to manually manage the inventory and the follow-up of the computer park. Your computers, tablets or smartphones are automatically registered and associated with an employee.

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Automated on/off-boarding

Your new employees will have their computers, tablets or smartphones and their accounts ready on their first day (without you having spent a minute configuring them). And conversely, all their access will be revoked the day they leave.

Optimized licenses costs

No more active accounts after an employee leaves, a precise view of the apps you pay for (monthly or annually) and which are not or hardly used. Less time wasted on daily IT and support issues.

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Get compliance reports when you need them and automatic compliance based on the norms that apply to you, to anticipate and be ready for customer or legal audits. Be able to respond more quickly to bids and access new markets.

Adopt modern identity management worthy of a major corporation.

For greater safety and fluidity in everyday life.

Bravas - logo